AICC Unternehmensreihe

OlenCom Electronics Ltd. (gegründet 1994) ist führend auf dem Gebiet der Daten & Telekommunikation. Das Unternehmen entwickelt, produziert und verkauft bahnbrechende innovative Lösungen für den weltweiten Telekom Markt. Olencom’s Headquarter, R & D Center and Produktionsbereich befinden sich im High-Tech Industriepark von Yokneam, etwa 20 km von der Hafenstadt Haifa in Israel.


Die von Olencom Electronics hauptsächlich verwendeten Technologien sind:

  •          WDM (Wavelength Division Multiplexing)
  • PON technology (Passive Optical Networks)
  • Fiber Optic conversion
  • E1 over Packet Networks
  • VOIP


Olencom’s Produkte sind ISO 9001:2000 zertifiziert. Das Unternehmen entwickelt maßgeschneiderte innovative Lösungen und richtet sich vorallem and Kunden wie Service Provider, Betreiber, Vertreiber, System Integratoren und Originalhersteller.

Teknion ist ein weltweiter Führer im designen, produzieren und verkaufen von Büromöbel Systemen und anderen Büro Produkten. Die Eckpfeiler des Unternehmens sind Design und Innovation, Produktführung, Agilität, Eingehen auf seine Kunden sowie langjährige Verbindungen.


Viele der von Teknion produzierten Möbel haben bereits Preise für Design und Innovation gewonnen. Teknion hat in den letzten vier Jahren, über 50 Preise für Design erhalten.


Mit einem jährlichen Gewinn von 2 Mrd. US $ ist Teknion der größte Produzent von Bürosesseln weltweit und kontrolliert etwa 60 % des israelischen Marktes. Pro Woche produziert Teknion an die 200.000 Bürosessel. Das Unternehmen verfügt über 60 Produktionsstätten in Toronto, sowie über Fabriken in Israel, Malaysien, England, Frankreich, Italien, Brasilien sowie Australien.


Teknion ist verstärkt auf der Suche nach österreichischen Kunden und möchte auf den österreichischen Markt exportieren. (

Synel ist weltweit führend auf dem Gebiet der Entwicklung und Produktion von Datensammlungssystemen und Lösungen für Arbeitskraftmanagement von Arbeitszeit und Anwesenheit, Zugangskontrollen und Kostenberechnung. Synel’s Portfolio bietet komplette Hardware und Software Lösungen für Organisationen jeder Art und Größe. Synel bietet weitreichende Lösungen und implementiert fortschrittliche biometrische Fingerabdruck Technologien sowie datenlose Kommunikation.


Synel’s Vertriebsnetzwerk besteht in 50 Ländern weltweit. Mit seinem Headquarter in Israel und über 9000 Kunden in Israel ist Synel Marktführer. Weltweit bestehen etwa 120.000 Installationen mit Synel’s Produkten.


Synel notiert seit dem Jahr 2000 an der Tel Aviver Börse TASE mit einer starken und soliden Bilanz. Synel ist derzeit auf der Suche nach möglichen Partnern in Österreich. Sowohl die Abnahme von Synel’s Produkten als auch deren Vertrieb durch österreichische Unternehmen, sind für Synel von Interesse. (

Radware is focused on technologies and solutions that enable the complete operation of mission critical IP applications. Radware’s integrated Application Security, Application Infrastructure and End-to-End Connectivity solutions are deployed by over 2,500 enterprises and carriers worldwide. Radware offers the broadest product line in the industry, meeting application needs at every critical point across the network including Web and Application Servers, Firewalls, VPNs, ISP links, Anti-Virus Gateways and Cache

Radware is the only solution capable of addressing all IP application needs across network layers 4-7.

The power of the Radware technology is based on our strong Layer 7 inspection capabilities and the easy way one can enforce rules and policies to the traffic without degregate the overall network throughput

1) Defense Pro: The Industry’s First Security Switching Solution for High Speed Intrusion Prevention and DoS Protection
– Real-time intrusion protection securing against worms, viruses and Trojans
– Real-time Denial of Services and Syn attacks prevention
– Isolation of attack impact


DefensePro protects against worms, viruses, Denial of Service attacks and Trojans at 3-Gigabit speeds for first strike application security. Built on top of the highest performance in the market, DefensePro delivers maximum throughput and advanced security intelligence to isolate, block and prevent attacks in real-time.


The combination of highest port density and highest switching capacity in the industry enables a single DefensePro unit to perform bi-directional scanning across multiple networks segments. This enables corporate and carriers inner networks with complete security, eliminating the propagation of worms, viruses and DOS attack across all segments.


DefensePro features inline security switching and accelerated, stateful, deep-packet inspection – using Radware’s industry leading StringMatch Hardware Engine™ – to bi-directionally scan and protect all network traffic against application level attacks.DefensePro immediately isolates attacks by dynamically managing bandwidth to stop propagation across users and resources while ensuring the complete continuity and performance of all secure traffic to proactively control impact and limit damage. DefensePro intercepts over 1,700 malicious signatures, hidden worms and viruses, blocking application attacks at an unmatched speed of 3-Gigabits/Sec. Identifying and mitigating protocol and traffic anomalies in real-time, DefensePro prevents DoS/DDoS and SYN floods, safeguarding against all illicit traffic patterns and hacking.


TELEKOM AUSTRIA is using our IPS Systems for defence of their VOIP infrastructure

DefensePro White paper.pdf

The power of our application security module was demonstrated again and again through Blaster, SQL slammer, Nimda Code Red and all the other warms and viruses.


Enterprises that use our system can clean their whole network in a matter of seconds !!!


Gartner had selected Radware technology as one of the world’s FW leaders, in-line with CheckPoint, Cisco and Netscreen.


2) FireProof – Security Application Switching: maximize performance and uptime of multiple Firewall, IDS and VPN systems.

FP White Paper.pdf


a. IDS load Balancing

The products involved in this solutions are the FireProof and the CT100. The latter enables to do IDS functionalities for encrypted traffic. The FireProof use copy port functionality that enables IDSs that are in disparate segments to listen to traffic on other segments, this is impossible if as normal the IDS is installed in separate segments of the network.

Smart IDS Management.pdf


3) CID -(Content Inspection Director) Intelligent Network Cache Switching: enhances your cache server farm performance including proxy servers for antivirus and content filtering (vendors as TrendMicro, Aladdin, Websense, and others).


In the attached white paper you can find information on how the Content Inspection Director can assist organizations in managing the ever-increasing security risk while obtaining maximum protection of the organization’s assets and preventing the losses associated with virus attacks.The document also outlines how deployment of CID enhances content inspection speed by 500%.


This product is unique in the market, enable to control all the traffic, up to layer 7 and to redirect the traffic, according to configurable rules to different servers farms for further inspection.


By activating different rules, we can differentiate between AV trusted and non-trusted traffic and due to smart decisions we reduce the AV farm traffic to less than 20% of the original traffic.

Content Inspection Director White Paper.pdf


4) CertainT 100 (SSL accelerator) – provides users with quick SSL transactions without network degradation, it suppoprt up to 7,000 Transactions per second.


Our solution enable enforcement of security policies on SSL traffic.

CT100-SSL 2.11.pdf


We have 3 ways to help with this:

1) WSD +CT100 + Application Security – we can use Application Security to look into the decrypted SSL traffic and block attacks that are using “default installations” and known IIS vulnerabilities.

2) FP + CT100 (passive SSL) + third party IDS – will allow the customer to use any IDS to detect suspicious activity performed via SSL

(Please see the WP of Smart IDS Management, in paragraph 2.a)

3) Certain T Client Side SSL Sniffing
For financial organizations that need strict security policies and are blocking the SSL Traffic completelyNow all Trafic can be scanned, wheter it is clear Text or Encripted (SSL).
a) Companies can allow the use of SSL Traffic
b) Protection of internal Network against SSL based attacks.
c) Reduced overhead of managing SSL Traffic permision for the internal users.

5) LinkProof – Internet Link Application Switching: ensures optimal use of multiple connections to the Internet (without BGP !!!) for Autbound and Inbound Traffic thereby benefiting from the shortest response time and fastest connections.

3,000 LinkProof were installed worlwide in the last 3 years!!!


Radware Delivers End-to-End Multi-Homing Connectivity from Headquarters to Branch offices :
LinkProof Branch extends the LinkProof family all the way to remote offices, delivering an end-to-end multi-homing connectivity solution. With LinkProof Branch, Radware addresses all connectivity needs of organizations working with distributed IP applications – delivering full Internet link availability, connectivity cost savings, optimized performance and complete link security.



LinkProof Branch is the first and only Layer 4-7 solution to provide distributed networks with VPN and multi-homing capabilities for secure and highly available connectivity. As a result, headquarters and branches can connect over the public Internet or private network. Whether connecting over Frame Relay/MPLS or the public Internet, organizations can enjoy end-to-end load balancing, performance optimization and fault tolerance for their distributed applications.


This product is unique in the market, enable to control all the traffic, up to layer 7 and to redirect the traffic, according to configurable rules to different servers farms for further inspection.


End to End connectivity and 100% availability of the HQ and all the branch offices of the Enterprise communication channels.
Complete security for the Enterprise end points, both the HQ as well as the branches.



Contact Person for Austria:

Alfred Bettheil
Regional Manager Austria & Switzerland
Tel.: +972-3-766 8632
Mobile: +972-54-477 79 40

or contact AICC

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