20 Nov Cyber Security Conference
This conference brings together local and international top-level stakeholders from both the public and private sphere and seeks to enhance dialogue, best-practice exchange, and capability development across sectors. Israel’s whole-of-nation approach exemplifies a success case of a national cyber ecosystem with a potential for relevant lessons learned.
Tuesday December 3rd, 2019, 8:15 am – 6:30 pm
LANSKY, GANZGER + partner (LGP), Biberstraße 5, 6th floor, 1010 Vienna
Dr. Gabriel Lansky, AICC President and Managing Partner at LANSKY, GANZGER + partner Attorneys (LGP)
Gili Perl BA MA, AICC General Secretary
Words of Welcome
H.E. Mordechai Rodgold, Ambassador of the State of Israel to Austria
Opening Address
Dipl.-Ing. Peter Werzer, CEO, Axians IT Solutions
Keynote Addresses
Commercial Hon. Senator Heinz K. Stiastny, CSE, Head, Competence Center for Disaster Risk Diplomacy, Center for Risk and Crisis Management
Major General (ret.) Giora Eiland, former Head, Israeli National Security Council
Major General Helmut Habermayer, Cyber Coordinator, Austrian Federal Ministry of Defence
Roi Yarom, Director, Israeli National Cyber Directorate
Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Göllner, MSc, Chairman of the Board, Center for Risk and Crisis Management
Mag. Judith Rabfogel-Scheer, Head, Tel Aviv Tech Office, Austrian Federal Ministry of Transport and Innovation
David Tayouri, Deputy Director of Engineering, National Cyber Programs Directorate
Dr. David Aviv, Chief Technology Officer, Radware
Hacking Demo
Itay Savion, Director, Sales & BD, XM Cyber
Panel: Cyber Research and Innovation
Oliver Lehmann, Head of Stakeholder Relations, Institute of Science and Technology Austria (Moderator)
Dr. Lior Tabansky, Head of Research Development, Blavatnik Interdisciplinary Cyber Research Center. Tel Aviv University
Mag. Hans-Jörg Hellinger, Bioinformatician, Austrian Armaments and Defence Technology Agency
Panel: Cyber for critical infrastructure
Dr. Cornelius Granig, CEO, K Advisors, former CEO, Siemens Ukraine, former Deputy CEO, Raiffeisen Bank Aval (Moderator)
Gabrielle Costigan, MBA, Managing Director, AIK Energy
Dipl.-Ing. Vladimir Mlynar, COO ICT Austria and Head, Cloud Factory Business Unit
Panel: Public-Private-Partnerships and Legal Framework in Austria
Dr. Thomas Kessler, President, European Leadership Network/ELNET (Moderator)
Dr. Thomas Stubbings, Chairman, Cybersecurity Platform of the Austrian Government
Dr. Katharina Raabe-Stuppnig, Managing Partner at LANSKY, GANZGER + partner Attorneys (LGP)